Giselle Locke Pearl With Grill Earring
Giselle Locke showed me the pool and grill facilities at her apartment. Giselle is cute. Perhaps she would not like that description. But perhaps it is unavoidable when you are 5'3" and 95 lbs (160 cm and 47.5 kg). You just have to use what you got and it seems like Giselle does. She models, travels, acts ... has legitimate reasons to post pictures of herself on Instagram. I see all these people, usually young attractive girls, obsessively broadcasting stuffs online to thousands of 'followers'. That has to have some affect on one's ego, right? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love beautiful women, but the narcissistic shadow this behavior casts can be a little off-putting. That's not how you win this boy's heart, ladies! Today's homework: send a message to a pretty girl recommending that she should model for Zishy.
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