Lana Zuyeva Hotel Flirt
Lana Zuyeva Hotel Flirt - 1
This gallery of Lana Zuyeva is a personally historic one. It was right on the cusp of me deciding what I wanted to do with my photos. I was having fun shooting all sorts of subjects, but I began to realize that the most fun for me was photographing girls being semi-inappropriate. I also noticed that I was enamored by images that did not show explicit nudity. It's not that I don't love naked girls. Ninja, please. I just prefer the nail-biting anticipation which can only be delivered if certain things are left unseen. Lana is from Russia and has one hell of a figure, not to mention her amazingly fun personality. She is almost as goofy and perverted as myself. We became friends after the shoot and I showed her my favorite 24/7 burrito joint and she showed me how not to drive a car.
Lana Zuyeva Hotel Flirt - 2
Lana Zuyeva Hotel Flirt - 3
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Lana Zuyeva Hotel Flirt - 4
Lana Zuyeva Hotel Flirt - 5
Lana Zuyeva Hotel Flirt - 6
Lana Zuyeva Hotel Flirt - 7
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Lana Zuyeva Hotel Flirt - 8
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