Kendra Sunderland On Coopetition
added on Mar 08, 2015
On my trip over to Portland to photograph Kendra Sunderland, I asked Rob, the owner of a more extreme site, if he would like me to also create some material for him of the popular Kendra. Rob's site is one of the only online porn destinations that I can bear viewing. He usually has a great eye for what is natural and adventurous, but unlike Zishy, leaves practically nothing to the imagination. What I enjoy most about Rob's work is that it is intimate in the sense that it is not created by a production team--it is just him and the model. He subscribes to 'Keep It Simple, Stupid' and has executed it to much success. So here are some images that you can also find on his site, plus some extras. However, if you want to see the explicit parts and some scintillating HD video, there is a link to Rob's publication at the end of the gallery (if you are reading this as a Zishy subscriber). Kendra listens to 'My Favorite Mistake' from Sheryl Crow as she showers in this exclusive bonus video.
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